what is SEO ?
First, before you start, you should know what is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is actually a whole technique to optimize the natural or organic SEO of a website on search engines. The objective here is to position or index the site in search engines according to certain keywords corresponding to the main themes of the site. For example, to the tourist office in Hawaii, it would be well positioned on keywords like “Hawaii tourism”, “Hawaii trip”, “Hawaii Vacation” etc. and a multitude of variants and derivatives of these keywords directly related to the site’s content.
Organic SEO
By natural or organic SEO means search results that are displayed naturally by the search engine after a query and not the sponsors links which are most of the time shown at the right of the screen. Below is a picture that make you better understand what is SEO and SEM. The results outlined in red are paid links (SEM), while those appearing at the bottom come from organic or natural search (SEO).
Now that you know what SEO, it is important to know how these optimization techniques can help your tourism business to perform better according to your business objectives. Indeed, what are the benefits of investing in SEO for your company?
Knowing that 74% of Internet users use a search engine to find their stay in line, we understand how the use of SEO techniques can help you generate leads and sales by just increasing your reputation or your brand. Indeed, according to a recent study by Jupiter Research and The NPD Group, 70% of Internet users consult the first page of search results. This percentage drops to 17% for the second page of results and 7% for the third page. In an era where 50% of internet users book their travel online, we now see the importance for our site to be positioned on the first page results on search engines for certain keywords that we have determined strategically through an analysis of our site and those of competitors.
by Lord Alio
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