• keyword importance
• importance of keywords
• keywords and seo strategy
All of them are “keyword phrases”, and once you submit to Google, Google will provide you with relevant results that will be connected. The goal is the top-3 on the first page of Google results. As with the positions of sites there will be the most traffic, and most of the sale or exposure for their brand or cause.
It is statistically known that clicks in top Google positions are distributed in this way(figures are approximate):
#1 place gets – 36% of the total clicks that are happening when people lands of the Google result page. 2nd place – only 12%, and 3rd place only 9%.
So you can see the importance of being at the very first spot!
The only way you can do this is by doing a little tactical keyword research – sounds scary but when you know what tools to use and where to start it is quite easy.
Look; there are various keyword research strategies on the Internet. If you’re beginner, I recommend consume more time into your keyword research than most people do. What they do is utilization of keyword tools to figure out what phrases are being searched for the most, but don’t have a lot of competition.
There are several different keyword software tools out there (e.g. Market Samurai, Micro Niche Finder, Google Adwords etc.), and all of them can be helpful. Even though most Internet marketing gurus will tell you that Google Adwords is all they use, I recommend investing a little money in a software tool. If you decide to, there will be FREE information at the bottom of this article that will have a major impact on your search engine optimization.
Broad Keywords
Understanding broad keywords is pretty simple. Here is a quick example:
Suppose your main keyword “youth baseball bats.” If in Google you type: youth baseball bats, you have a wide results. If you type in Google the phrase in quotation marks around it means that you get a match. This is very similar to the general work of the match.
When you do keyword research, you can use the “broad match? Option. Always Google Adwords keyword software, or other version works hard, will produce some options that do not begin with a keyword, or even in a sentence. So if you type in youth baseball bats , some of the broad match are:
• little league youth baseball
• kids baseball gloves
• adult baseball gloves
• 2011 demarini voodoo
It’s basically a way to help you learn different areas where you can use your primary keyword (youth baseball bats) and sprinkle some broad keywords on your website content or for article marketing purposes (I’ll explain these in future SEO tutorials).
If you need specific keywords, you are trying to find information in this way, “a youth baseball bat.” To find exact phrases in Google add brackets so the key: [youth baseball bat]. (Try it and see what results)
Phrase Match Keywords
I like to consider phrase match keywords as the “in between” status. They are a bit more flexible than exact keywords and more targeted than broad keywords. If you need something that has a little flexibility, this should be your choice. Here are a few examples:
• youth baseball bats 2011
• youth baseball bats for sale
• adult and youth baseball bats
Even though your keyword phrase is in it, there are additions to the phrase.
FREE Secrets
The information here today should help you understand the importance of keywords. I also want to give you some advanced information in an easy-to-learn format:
Tip 1 - When searching for keywords for your industry (niche), look for ones that have over 1,000 searches per month and under 50,000 “exact phrase count”.
Tip 2 - Check the Strength of Competition (SOC) in your keyword software tool. Find keywords that only have 200 or less in their strength of competition.
This may take more time to do your keyword research, but you can get on the first page in Google faster if you use this approach. I’ve done this for many years, and this has always been very successful, despite all the changes in search algorithms. I hope that on this occasion to do it with their own keyword research.
by Lord Alio
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