How to start a website in 10 steps:
- Try to find a good domain name. I usually use, godaddy auctions or
- Register it on a trusted domain registrar which offers free whois – Companies that offer this are with a promo code or namecheap.
- Get a paid hosting package. I’ve just bought a new package on hostgator.
- Log in to your hosting account and install wordpress via fantastico.
- Get a good WP theme. I use elegantthemes.
- Download the zip and install the template from the WP admin section (it’s faster then uploading it via FTP): Go to THEMES > INSTALL THEMES > UPLOAD to do so.
- Enable Akisment and install the Platinum Seo plugin.
- Change Permalinks to /%postname%/
- Delete the sample content and add unique content to your site and promote a product to make money.
- Go and build some links or buy some gigs on fiverr.
by Lord Alio
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